Hello 2019...


Coucou all

and welcome back to SammyFaces

No I can't believe it's already the last day of January 2019...
Last time I wrote a post,  a real post feels like eons ago.

Soooo where do I even start? ok maybe we need a recap...

2015 was the year I moved from London to Geneva for love literally...

2016 was the year I faced quite a few challenges, some affecting my health among other things

2017 was the year I pressed the Reset button and finally settled (well kindof) into our new house, adjusted to my life in Geneva, started curating my closet and  for the first time I thought ok maybe I got this...woohooooo

As for 2018....? Well the jury is still out.
On the bright side, it started well, we celebrated my birthday in Paris and our 5-year marriage anniversary with some of our precious friends, we were witness to a wonderful wedding in Mallorca, we discovered beautiful places - from Rwanda, Corsica, US, Mexico to driving across Switzerland and Italy and of course ending the year in South Africa! - and genuinely felt more in touch with ourselves.

However, 2018 also felt very dizzy due to lots of stress at work and more work travels which at times felt either too long or scary (hello tsunami in North Sulawesi, Indonesia) a reminder that being alive is truly worth a daily celebration...

In hindsight 2018 was so poorly balanced between my work and personal life that I ended the year with a sour taste of missed opportunities and failed priorities. In fact, it felt as if I had poured all  my energy into watering a huge fields - next door - all days and weekends only for it not to grow, or rather not being given the opportunity to see the flowers and fruits that may have grown, leaving me exhausted, depleted and frustrated. Meanwhile, I forgot about my very own house plants and my personal garden, and at times barely watered it for its survival or let it down into an unattended jungle too tangled up to dive back in.

Soooo now that the deep is off my chest...what's next?

Hello 2019. The Renaissance...

Well surely 2018 was a year of learning for I started 2019 with the firm intention to shift back my priorities of loving and care and to redirect my energy and focus onto my personal garden first...and see where that leads me...

So far, putting the winter blues aside, I can honestly say that the year is off to a great start.

So here's to continuing to discover beautiful places, but most importantly here's to more quality time with friends and family or both, more health, more growth, more caring, more sleep, more books, more meaning, more recycling, more learning, more sharing, more listening, more home making, more wellbeing, more acceptance, more love, more life...

Hello 2019.
Here's to a fulfilling year for us all.
Here's to always #choose #happy, #choose #passion, #choose #love

until next time and with Love always...