They say great things happen to those who can wait...
I say a new Celine trapeze in a tan colour is worth the wait ...
2 years, multiple conversations, on/off dreams & obsessions and...a little 20% price increase later, I've finally jumped the walk and bagged the bag.
Haven't named this new baby yet - but looking forward to see Lil C (temp name) acting all cutesy right next to Queen B and Princess Kate.
Any name suggestions welcome!
till next time
-S PS: No your eyes are not deceiving you, your girl has been keeping up with her winter resolutions to eat her heart out, resulting in what we should call seasonal chubby thighs for now, that is ..until they become permanent PPS: wearing my high street besties - H&M jeans, Petit Bateau top, Zara heels and Longines watch.
It was about time I give a "face" to those "voices" inside my head: Wall street Chic meets City Geek... Always on the move and mood changing, you can call me tripolar: Fun, Fab, Fierce... Love, Ss