Hope you all had a good time this past weekend.
For those of you in the US, Happy belated 4th of July!!! I hope you were able to spend a nice Independence Day with your family and friends.
As far as I'm concerned I certainly did spend it nicely here in NY for there isn't a July 4th celebration without a big sale ;-).
Starting off the day at Bloomingdales on 59th st & Lexington ave and finishing on a Greyhound bus back from Woodbury Common outlets. O_O
yes I did go serial!
Oh well... I guess somebody has to help save this economy...[wink]
65$ Prada key chain? 150$ Zanotti peep toes? Tory B flats to replace my old ones ? yup i take them all*! I mean even Barack would hi5 on this one ;-)
I'm still not sure how I managed to resist the 60% off a beautiful Chloe bag but a quick glance at my watch and I was on a run to catch the bus back to the city.
Pheeeeww...Save by the gong!
Clearly Kanye was right - some of us are addicted to retail** but after all, like the Frenchies say "La vie n'est pas ce qu'on pense mais ce qu'on depense"***
Thankfully I was able to come back right on time to catch a glimpse of the fireworks ^_^
oh man what a beautiful day I spent...
Til next time... Love,
-Sammy Fab
* Pics to come soon
** When it all falls down by Kanye West
*** French proverb - Life is not only what you think but how you spend it
It was about time I give a "face" to those "voices" inside my head: Wall street Chic meets City Geek... Always on the move and mood changing, you can call me tripolar: Fun, Fab, Fierce... Love, Ss