After some hesitation (hmmm ok maybe a lot) I decided I could no longer keep the torture to myself. No more "if"and "but" and with no further due please meet and greet:
Sammy Fun aka Samster: she's the foolish one, clown and entertainer of the trio. Adventurous and risk taker, she's always on the move and wants to discover the woooooorld. Can never take anything too seriously, including herself. Creative and lighthearted, she enjoys Life from travelling on her own to eating chocolate & pistachio macarrons at 1 am or dancing & singing in her bathroom. #1 Goal: To put a huge smile on everyone's face...
Sammy Fab aka SammySam: She's the brain, grounded and well cultured of the trio. The cute geek always on top her class but who tried hard to join the cool folks. Curious, she's the one who'd rather finish a good book instead of sleeping or going out. Demanding, she likes to please everyone and works herself out at it. With a high spiritual connection, she's also very sensitive, hesitant and a big dreamer. Thankfully she always finds ways to bring her mind back from the clouds. #1 Flaw: Workaholic!
Last but not least Samijo Fierce aka Samantha Fox lol: She's the empowered woman and go getter. Nothing can stand in her way to achieve what she truly desires. Very alert, she's aware of her surrounding, knows what she wants and how to turn a situation into her advantage! She is outgoing, bold and seductive and the one pushing the shy SammySam to the side. #1 Quote: "The sky can't be the limit when there are footprints on the moon"
Some call it a split personality. I call it a balanced mix of "faces" that keep me laughing :-D (Sammy Fun), out of trouble ^_^ (Sammy Fab) and in a constant challenge to outdo myself in all areas of life (Samijo Fierce).
However no matter which Sammy comes forward there are always a few recurring traits and that includes my love for food, more food, bags, more bags***, chocolate inside my bags...and of course my family & friends.
Now let this be a new beginning for youuuu aaaand fooor meeee*
Hope you love me, love me, love meeeee**
*Starting to sing MJ now
** Another dope song by Tiwa Savage
*** Just can't get enough ... shaking head while singing
It was about time I give a "face" to those "voices" inside my head: Wall street Chic meets City Geek... Always on the move and mood changing, you can call me tripolar: Fun, Fab, Fierce... Love, Ss
You are an inspiration, a friend in need and the black book of places to be!
PS: See you in a bit!
thank you darling :-) you are also my first follower wooohooo! that defo deserves a style crush post on you....