A new day has come...


Dear oh-so fabulous ones,

Happy New Year  to you all!!!
May the new year bring to life everything you truly desire and adorn you with abundant health and joys with your loved ones.
As we have now entered 2012, please allow me to share with you my new year tryptic:

1. Thou shall live a life that you love:
Dream as if you'll live forever, Live as if everyday was your last
2. Thou shall be happy:
Celebrate this year with happiness in your heart everyday
3. Thou shall be kind to yourself:
Be your very own best friend and embrace who you are. By being a better person to yourself, you'll be a better person to others.

Hope you'll join me in this manifesto which reads as easy as 1, 2, 3
Let's all enjoy the magic of life.


Yours truly,

PS: Smile! it's free...