As promised, time has come for a new Up, Close and Personal all the way from Australia. (Woohooo)
[See what your girl is ready to do for you folks? If I were you, I’d call this Love. I’m just saying…]
This time I’m bringing you one of my dearest friends, ex-Londoner now living in Melbourne/Brisbanne: Mohit, aka Mo - pour les intimes.
An undisputed pub/bar crawl winner– just trust me on that one- Mo is not only the best-in-class party animal EVER (yep the Tiger suit is his favourite) but he’s also a real Life eater. The kind who would have a laugh at anything, would go just about anywhere and would enjoy any fine wine and food like no-one else can.
In short, More is Mo’ and as I know you’re all dying to hear read more, please allow me to handout the karaoke mike to THE ONE we gals are missing terribly over here. Y’all know the deal. Straight from his mouth with silly comments from me in between. V_V
> Q1: Current inspirations Quite a few but first one’s got to be Japan for I love how my Japanese friends always look on the bright side of things even after all that’s happened there from tsunami, earthquakes to nuclear disasters. Those guys truly inspire me to constantly feel grateful for who I am and what I've got.
Secondly anything related to yummy food and drink. My London food buddy Yoon Lee would always inspire for she encourages me to hunt down and review every new restaurant and bar I go to, whether it’s a hole in the wall noodle place down on a Melbourne's narrow alleys or a 3 michelin starred restaurant. Gotta love her!
Finally waking up on a sunny day will always put me in a great mood from early morning. Good thing I have relocated South ;-) [Oh how I’d love theee]
> Q2: Most cherished travel memory I’d say the Great Barrier Reef near Lizard island in Australia. I had been snorkeling off a boat for hours after everyone had got out of the water when I saw 2 black shadows appearing slowly. They turned out to be a mother and baby minke whales. Simply AMAZING. Another time I was diving and I saw a reef shark at a cleaning station which wouldn't move even when I came closer and lay next to it. What a great experience! I would definitely recommend to everyone. The barrier reef that is. J
> Q3: Ideal woman?
hmm…For me that’d be someone with an open heart that accepts me for what I am. Someone who is generally positive, content with their own life and who doesn’t judge others. Someone reliable and dependable and who is prepared for anything that may happen in life, both the goods and the bads, knowing that such things are always part of the journey.
Oh and someone who knows how to communicate without relying on their partner's mind reading skills. Ok I should probably stop here before everyone thinks I’m weirdo.
[ahem ahem…of course we won’t …..***Insert Pinocchio moving nose***]
More seriously. At the end of the day, I think the ideal woman is the one with whom the rest of your life suddenly becomes crystal clear…
> Q4: Would never go a week without?
My Iphone for I simply feel miserable and almost naked without it. Truth is I've lost 2 of them before so I DO know how it makes me feel. I just use it for EVERYTHING: email, calendar, notes, web surfing, playing games, expenses, facebook, twitter, news, sports...I mean ANYTHING so that really is the only material item that I care about losing.
> Q5: Favourite place(s) In London – definitely the mansion – (past houseshare) for it felt like home from day one and always did even after I left and would come back to visit. I really cherish all those great memories I have from when I was living with my London 'family
[Awww…. How I miss those times too …^_^]
Allright. That’s it for today folks.
Mo thanks again for the great read and please DO come back to say hello or you’ll have me take a plane to Australia in 5, 4, 3. Wait. Actually…How about I start negotiating for some discounted travel group prices to Australia? Who’s in?
Hope you enjoyed reading Mo as much as I did. So please stay tuned for more stylish Up Close and Personal profiles…
I wish you all a great week and an even greater Easter break. Your girl just CAN'T WAIT for that one.
It was about time I give a "face" to those "voices" inside my head: Wall street Chic meets City Geek... Always on the move and mood changing, you can call me tripolar: Fun, Fab, Fierce... Love, Ss